Chris Flink (1981) loves the internet and IT, especially where it meets People, Businesses & Society. He first used his fathers 14k4 modem to connect to bulletin board systems and got caught by the endless possibilities of the Internet soon after that.
Chris build his first website in ’94 and started a web development company in ’03. While completing his Master’s Degree in Computer Science at the Utrecht University, he developed various websites and web applications using a self build CMS (first) and open source tools (oh what a fool he once was).
After his studies, a trip around the world and working for Hotel Specials and Madcap, he’s now employed by Inuits, the leading Open Source company in the Belgium and Netherlands. As a consultant he advices companies in the public and private sector how to achieve (business) goals online using open source tools and techniques.
For more information you can follow @ChrisFlink or check his LinkedIn profile